Outline summary of contents:

Here is an outline; but topics are broken down into 100 individual lessons:

Unit 3: Shape and Geometry

  • Parallel, Intersecting & Perpendicular

  • 2D/3D Shapes (including triangle and circle studies)

  • Angles and Protractors

  • Perimeter, Area & Volume

  • Transformations

Unit 4: Times Tables, Exponents and Prime Numbers

  • A complete program: Knowing all Times Tables facts to 12x

  • Exponents, Square Numbers, Square Root & Cubed Numbers

  • Prime Numbers

Unit 1: Number

  • Number Vocabulary, Worded Problems, Place Value

  • Mean, Mode & Median

  • Multiplication & Division

  • Doubling, Halving & Quartering

  • Measurement

Unit 2: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Fractions: visuals / types of / equivalent / ordering / simplifying / + - × ÷

  • Decimals: place value / converting / ordering / rounding / ×  ÷

  • Percentages: converting from fractions or decimals

Flash Facts™:

A 10-page list of fun, fast response Q and A based on coverage from all Units; can be used as a diagnostic tool to discover where ‘gaps’ are.

Below are some sample pages:

Canada Issue 1 - P36.jpg
Canada Issue 1 - P123.jpg
Canada Issue 1 - P124.jpg
Canada Issue 1 - P175.jpg
Canada Issue 1 - P176.jpg