Q&A product review - click below....
Q&A product review - click below....
Using Bridge the Gap Math™
‘I CAN / I KNOW’ checklists: a skills checklist is provided at the start of each Unit and should be used as a simple record keeping system to show how many times and when a skill is visited. There is a place to record ‘Achieved’ status, to record when the student and helper decide that the skill / concept is fully in place.
Sample from the Unit 2 I CAN / I KNOW checklist
‘Achieved’ status: the checklists are helpful to refer to when the student is applying him/herself to other math activities, e.g. school homework, as they can see that there is proof that they do have the skill required to solve a problem, as the ‘I CAN / I KNOW’ chart says so...
...the skill is in the head somewhere, and just needs ‘fishing out’.
This encourages ownership and responsibility for learning.
For tougher skills pages, where I have found in my experience that the student needs to have focused, ultra high concentration levels, there is a fun ‘warning’ symbol so you can ensure that the timing is just right to address the few concepts that are maybe a little harder to grasp, e.g. column multiplication.